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 Tomato Red Berry / Cherry  

Red Berry/Cherry is a lovely sweet cherry tomato. An early/mid ripening, indeterminate, regular leafed plant has trusses of up to 50 sweet tasting fruit mean that this is a prolific cropper with good spacing between the trusses which means there are only a few trusses on the plant. Usually one of the first tomatoes in our gardens. Compares well with other small cherry tomatoes such as Christmas Grapes and crops slightly earlier (just after Bloody Butcher which is usually first). A classic simple red cherry tomato and a good start to the tomato year. 
Grow your own 
Difficulty – Easy 
Sow - February-April 
Plant Out - May-June 
Harvest - July-September 
Seed Packet - aprox 25 seeds 
A great addition to most cakes, deserts and sweet dishes. 
Rich soil with plenty of added compost. 
Sunny position. 
Frost tolerant 
Weekly liquid feed from mid summer onwards. 
Single Plants: 50cm (1' 7") each way (minimum) 
Rows: 45cm (1' 5") with 60cm (1' 11") row gap (minimum) 
Sow and Plant 
Sow in pots under cover in mid spring and plant out in early summer. 
Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. 
Tie upright types to canes with string to support the weight of the fruit. Remove side shoots which grow in the angle between the leaf stems and the main stem of the plant. 
Pick regularly as soon as the fruits are ripe. This encourages production of more tomatoes. 
Blossom end rot patches on the bottom of fruits are a nutritional disorder best prevented by growing tomatoes in well-prepared soil with constant light moisture. Yellow leaves indicate lack of magnesium, so apply liquid feed. 
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