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Turnip Purple Top Milan 

Turnip – Purple Top Milan are a classic Italian heritage variety that have been around since 1888 and are just as popular with gardeners today. They produce flat topped turnips with attractive purple and white skin and a mild, sweet flavour. Turnip – Purple Top Milan are a fast-maturing variety that will give you the earliest harvest or can be used as a catch crop in between slower growing vegetables. 
Grow your own 
Difficulty – Easy 
Sow - April-August 
Harvest – March-December 
Seed Packet - Aprox 1000 Seeds 
Sow seeds 1cm (½in) deep. 
Early turnips: sow 'Atlantic' or 'Milan Purple Top' under cloches in February and other cultivars from March to June. Sow thinly with spacing between rows 23-30cm (9-12in) apart. 
Maincrop turnips: sow thinly from July to mid-August. Space rows 30cm (12in) apart. 
Turnip tops: sow thinly in August or September. Space rows 15cm (6in) apart. 
Thin out turnips grown for their roots until they are eventually 15cm (6in) apart for early crops, or 23cm (9in) apart for maincrops. 
Water during dry weather or the roots will be small and woody. 
Early turnips: pull the turnips from May to September when the size of a golf ball for eating raw or the size of a tennis ball for cooking. 
Maincrop turnips: lift the turnips from mid-October onwards when the size of a golf ball. 
Turnip tops: harvest in March and April. Leave the plants to re-sprout as several cuts can be obtained. 