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Trio Microgreen Kit step by step guide.  
Trio Microgreen Kit step by step guide 
Step 1: Fill the three biodegradable pots with compost and leave a 3cm space from the top, pat down the compost gently so the compost is flat and moisten thoroughly. 
Step 2: Sprinkle the seeds thinly and evenly on to the moistened compost, try not to have seeds on top of one another. Add some more compost to cover the seeds and mist/spray. 
Step 3: Put the water tray under the three pots and place on a sunny windowsill. 
Your microgreens will be ready in about 2-4 weeks. Keep the compost moist by misting/spraying daily if needed. 
When your microgreens are ready simply snip with clean scissors, wash and add to your dish. 
Enjoy growing. 
From Ben, Sarah, Jackson and Charlie at Wild Greens Farm.